Welcome to Joy Us!
The husband and wife team of Jeremy Hess and Peggy Treiber talk, tell stories and play music so people of all ages can smile, chuckle and feel good for the sheer joy of it!
With an overall theme of discovering the gift of the present in each moment, the couple offers a series of interactive programs musical dialogues that give people tools to dig up the joy in their own back yards, or as Jeremy quips, find “rapture in the rocks!”

Just The Way We Are
Peggy and Jeremy tell stories and sing songs for children, and reduce their fee by 40 percent for nonprofit groups in Arkansas. The two have been performing at summer library programs for children for the past five years. Click & learn.

Top Talk Titles
- Swimming Upstream Is For Salmon, So Go With The Flow
- If You Cant Say Something Nice, Shhhh
- Whats Your Life Theme Song?
- Appreciate Your Noses When You Stop To Smell The Roses
- Unwrapping The Gift Of The Present, Or Focus On The Moment
- Nothing Doing, or Why The How Is More Important Than The What